Tier 1 Benefits
This information applies to individuals who became a member of SERS or a reciprocal system before January 1, 2011. If you terminate employment with the State, your benefits will be determined by the law in effect on your last day of employment.
This information is intended to serve as a supplement to the Annual Benefit Statement, which includes your personal benefit information.
Retirement Benefits
The retirement benefits applies to all eligible Tier 1 members.
The alternative formula applies to members in certain positions with 20 years of alternative service. Members eligible for the alternative formula may retire at age 50 with 25 years of service, or at age 55 with 20 years of service.
Death Benefits
If your death results from a non-work-related cause, your eligible survivors and beneficiaries may qualify for benefits.
If you die from a work-related injury or illness, as determined by the Illinois Industrial Commission, your survivors are eligible for benefits.