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JRS Tier 1 Benefits
This information applies to all active judges who first became a judge prior to January 1, 2011. If you terminate employment with the State, your benefits will be determined by the law in effect on your last day of employment. This information is intended to serve as a supplement to the annual benefit statement, which includes your personal benefit information.
The retirement benefits apply to all Tier 1 members.
Temporary Disability Benefits
This benefit may be available in cases of temporary disability. These benefits are reduced by any amounts received under the Workers' Compensation Act or Occupational Diseases Act.
Permanent Disability Benefits
This benefit may be available if you become ill or injured from any cause. These benefits are reduced by any amounts received under the Workers' Compensation Act or Occupational Diseases Act.
Your eligible survivors, beneficiaries or estate may qualify for benefits upon your death. These benefits are reduced by any amounts received under the Workers' Compensation Act or Occupational Diseases Act.